MTM Workshop – October 11 – SEGA Hungary, Szirmabesenyő – IE Club Hungary

The IE Club is a professional forum for Industrial Engineering professionals. Its purpose is to organize events dealing with the topic, expand knowledge, experience, and build professional networking. Its target audience is not only current or former participants of the courses organized by MTM Hungária, but also all professionals dealing with the IE or interested in it. At this WS, internal specialists from Atlas Copco, Audi Hungaria, Ezerszín, OBO Bettermann and instructors of MTM Hungária honored us with their presence and professional excellence.

The main topics of the Workshop were time management and ergonomics. At the introductory presentations, we tried to take the opportunity to compare the connections between Bosch’s mammoth corporate past and SEGA’s present, focusing on its advantages, but also addressing the difficulties.

In the morning, in addition to the historical presentation of the new company group, ownership system, and the site, a factory visit was also held, where we viewed the entire production and logistics system, highlighting the points in which we achieved significant improvements compared to previous years through our LLD processes. We separately discussed the training of new operators, the issue of fluctuation, and the complexity of the material supply system, we also covered our Remanufacturing and CKD production processes.

In the afternoon, the guests were divided into 2 groups. Each group looked at the areas proposed for development (NBL-Final 3, AL1), where we held a brainstorming session regarding possible improvements. After the presentation of the results, we can say that we have been enriched with more useful ideas and directions that can be set in the future, thanks to the colorful and high-quality participants and their activity, for which we thank you! Furthermore, the presentation ended with an important lesson and also a point of pride: the average performance level of our randomly selected employees, the elaboration and adherence to the standards was exemplary for the participants, which was highlighted several times separately.

Source: SEGA’s article.

Magyar változat / Hungarian verison